Here you will find instant access to accurate, current and confidential information about your child(ren)'s school attendance, grades, class assignments and more! The Campus Portal is a means to further promote educational excellence by enhancing our program of communication with parents and students. All parents are eligible to activate a Parent Portal account free of charge.
If you do not have a Parent Portal account contact the office of your child's attendance center to receive your activation key to register.
Can't access the Portal?
Attention Mobile Portal Users! Due to system updates you may need to completely log out of the app, and then login again to re-establish connection to Infinite Campus. In some cases this may require an application update.
Any patrons using the Infinite Campus Alexa Skill will need to re-login to their Campus Parent account in the Alexa app.
The process for recovering a forgotten Campus username and/or password has been simplified to improve user experience. User account verification images have been replaced by a simple email that is sent to a designated email address, containing a unique and secure URL allowing the user to easily enter and save a new account password. Users requesting a username reminder will be sent an email containing their forgotten username. Users who do not currently have a password recovery email address entered within Campus will be asked upon first login after the update to provide this information. Users can update or modify their password/username recovery email address within the Account Settings tool.
The Parent Portal is also available as a Mobile App.
Download our Mobile App